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Cool Science Carnival Day at UCCS - Saturday, October 15, 2011

Part of the 2011 Colorado Springs Cool Science Festival.

Pick up the full 2011 CSCSF program from last Thursday's CS Independent, or download it (1.5MB PDF)
You can also download our festival poster/flyer (870KB PDF)

*** NEW - Download the Carnival Day Program (same as we'll hand out that day) ***


** Check it Out- our festival got a mention in the Travel section of USA Today on October 7th! **


It's Cool Science Carnival time again! Come find out how much fun science, math and engineering really is. To kick of the 2011 CSCSF we're once again taking over most of the UCCS campus and pulling together over 70 different companies, schools, clubs, museums and other organizations from across the Front Range region to provide a day-long slew of fun, science related activities. We'll be presenting a line-up of live science shows and performances throughout the day, and providing over 87 hands-on science activity stations, 11 of which will be presented by Cool Science. Most activities are intended for students ages 8-15, but there will be fun for all ages.

*** We still need volunteers to help with the carnival and other festival events***
Find out more about how you can help.


When: Saturday, October 15th, 9 AM to 3 PM

Where: UCCS (1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway), in and around the University Center, the Science & Engineering building, the Engineering & Applied Science building, Dwire and Centennial Hall (formerly the Science building) (Festival map [THIS IS OLD], directions to UCCS)

** Note: As the campus main parking lots fill up, we'll have overflow parking on Nevada Ave. (across from the University Center Shopping Plaza) with free shuttle bus service to and from the Main Campus **
Download the Overflow Parking Map

Look for our "wayfinders" (walking signs) wearing bright pink festival T-shirts to help you find the show or activity you're looking for.

WHY: Because science is fun!

Target Audience: Primarily for 2nd-8th grade students, but plenty of activities for all ages!

Please register: Go to the official 2011 CSCSF website or directly to our EventBrite ticket page and register to speed up your entry into the Carnival Day. Make sure you bring your registration tickets with you!


Absolutely FREE and Lots of FUN for all!


Get our brand new Cool Science T-shirt designed by local artist Corbin Hillam ($15 youth, $20 adult) to support Cool Science programs throughout the year, and help us keep Carnival Day free!


Kids- download a copy of our new design that you can color any way you like!


Live Demonstration Shows and Performances:

Show tickets available at the festival registration desk.


10:00am — Science Matters in America — A fun interactive science show for all ages. (Science Auditorium, Centennial 203)

10:00am – USAFA Physics is Phun! — Cadets from the US Air Force Academy will amaze you with interactive demonstrations covering electricity, magnetism, heat, super cold and gyroscopic motion. (University Center Theater, UC302)

10:30am — Black’s Magic Productions — “The Science of Magic” Watch award-winning magician Bruce Black amaze and amuse you, then learn the science behind some simple tricks that you can perform yourself! (Dwire Auditorium, DWR121)

11:00am — Cool Science Chemistry Magic Show — Come watch- and participate- in a fun chemistry magic show with Cool Science’s own co-founder, Prof. Ron Furstenau. (Centennial 186)

11:00am — Ormao Dance Company/Mathtastic! — Dancing with Mathematics ‚Äì an exciting, participatory performance that investigates math concepts using music, movement and a curious collection of everyday objects. (University Center Upper Plaza)

11:45am — Black’s Magic Productions — “The Science of Magic” (Dwire Auditorium, DWR121)

12:00pm – USAFA Physics is Phun! (University Center Theater, UC302)

12:30pm — Ormao Dance Company/Mathtastic! (University Center Upper Plaza)

1:00pm — Cool Science Chemistry Magic Show (Centennial 186).

2:00pm – USAFA Physics is Phun! (University Center Theater, UC302)

2:00pm — Ormao Dance Company/Mathtastic! (University Center Upper Plaza)


Hands-on Science Carnival Participating Organizations (so far):

(Kids, pick up your Carnival Day Passports at the registration table. Get a stamp at each activity station.
Keep track of all the activities that you do!)


After School University — Come explore the physics of light, magnets, gravity and spinning wheels.

AgentSheets, Inc. & University of Colorado, Boulder — Sit right down and start creating your very own custom 2D and 3D video games like Frogger, Pacman, and Space Invaders that you can publish on the web!

Agilent Technologies

  1. Play Harry Potter and watch yourself fly around any city in the world on TV!
  2. Learn about principles of electricity & magnetism by playing two cool games and watching these invisible forces at work in a real motor.
  3. Measure the electrical signals from a variety of electrical devices using a real oscilloscope.

Atmel Corporation — Learn about Silicon and integrated circuits, and see many of the ways they are used in stuff you see every day.

Bike Clinic Too — Can you pedal a bicycle fast enough to power a string of light bulbs? Find out just how much energy it really takes.

Black Student Union of UCCS — Use science to skewer your own balloon-ka-bob without popping it.

Brain Development Centers — Use a computer to test how fast your brain is compared to other famous people, even Albert Einstein.

Buell Children’s Museum/Sangre de Cristo Arts Center — Take a peek into the ocean and an amazing and beautiful creature- the jellyfish.

Catamount Institute — It’s all about bats- make your own bat mask, learn bat trivia, then play the great bat migration game!

CaveSim — Suit up then carefully crawl and climb through a real cave simulator- but watch out, there may be bats in there this time!

Challenger Learning Center of Colorado — Step inside the Stellar Portal e-Planetarium for a show featuring the constellations and planets visible in the night sky (then see them for real later that night at the CSAS’s Stargazing Party in Palmer Park).

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo — The ZOO is on the Move (ZOOM)- come meet a few friendly animals!

Civil Air Patrol, Colorado Springs Cadet Squadron — Build your own paper rocket, then launch it using compressed air to compete with other budding rocket scientists for distance and accuracy.

Coalition for the Upper South Platte — Learn how scientists find the age of a tree and the history of its environment, then take your own tree bore samples.

Cochlear Americas — Experiment with a hi-tech hearing aid that lets you hear sounds using the bones in your own skull!

Colorado College Cool Science Club — Look through a real microscope, then learn how to make fire burn with many different colors.

Colorado Literacy Foundation — Discover Steampunk technology- clockwork and steam powered contraptions. Science was way cool in Victorian-era England!

Colorado Neurological Institute — Use a real biofeedback computer to see how your brain maintains your balance as you stand, walk or ride a bike.

Colorado Springs Astronomical Society — Come see the sun up close and personal, and maybe you’ll spot a mystery planet too- can you guess which one?

Colorado Springs Children’s Chorale — See what you hear and learn about the science of sound with a human twist- real vocal chords.¬†

Colorado Springs Fire Department- HAZMAT Team — Explore a real fire truck and learn about how the CSFD handles hazardous materials emergencies.

Colorado Springs Mineralogical Society — Find out what it’s like to be a geoscientist and examine amber fossils containing real insects that are millions of years old!

Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum — Use the sun’s radiation to make special prints that you can take home.

Colorado Springs Rocket Society (COSROCS) — We’ll help you to build your own model rockets to take home, then you can launch them next week at our sport launch day at Challenger Middle School.

Colorado Springs Utilities

  1. Experiment with some magical properties of water- make a cloud in a bottle, instant snow, make water defy gravity and fill a cup above its brim.
  2. Learn about CS Utility’s Raptor Protection Program and touch the feathers of some local birds of prey.
  3. Electric Safety and You- an interactive demonstration of overhead and underground electricity distribution systems.
  4. Natural Gas Safety- where does gas come from and what would you do if you smelled gas?

Colorado Springs Youth Symphony — Investigate- and play with- the science of double-reed instruments (the oboe and bassoon) and “see” what sound looks like.

Colorado State University- Pueblo College of Math & Science — Use solar cells to provide electrical power, then investigate some strange properties of fluids.

Cool Science– Lots of your all-time favorites and a few brand new ones:

  1. Forget boring store-bought ice cream- make your own sizzling, spitting and foggy cup of frozen delight by boiling a liquid at 321 degrees below zero!
  2. Use simple household chemicals to launch your own rocket 20 feet in the air.
  3. Did you know we can make waves in solid metal?  See them for yourself and use them to splash water two feet into the air!
  4. Make your very own boomerang out of paper and learn how to throw it so it comes right back to you.
  5. Make ooey-gooey slime and learn how to turn it into real silly-putty.
  6. Use the chemical properties of shaving cream to create beautiful colored patterns on paper.
  7. Make a penny race around inside a balloon, then make the balloon scream!
  8. The Force is strong with you- make a balloon your pet and race a pop can without touching it.
  9. Be amazed by a simple piece of paper- meet the magnificent, mysterious Mobius Strip
  10. Investigate the bizarre world of gyroscopic motion with the coolest wheel ever!
  11. Ever drop a ping-pong ball only to have it bounce back 15 feet into the air? Learn how to do this cool trick.

Coronado HS FIRST Robotics Team 2996 Cougars Gone Wired — Drive a real robot and learn how you can join a team to build robots that compete each year in the FIRST robotics challenge.

CSU Extension (4H) — Come explore the power of the wind and build a wind turbine of your own design.

Delta Waves Sleep Disorders and Research Center — Explore the fascinating field of sleep (everyone needs it!) See what your brainwaves look like during different types of sleep and even when you can’t get to sleep.

Denver Botanic Gardens — Come meet several sensory plants that you can touch, smell and explore. You’ll even see what really goes on inside a plant.

Destination Imagination Colorado — See if you can build a roller coaster with just paper and straws, then make a ping-pong ball do a loop to loop.

Diabetes Community Center — Let’s play Diabetes Myth Busters- just how much sugar is there in many of the foods you eat every day?

El Paso County Nature Centers (Bear Creek and Fountain Creek) — Get up close and personal with a black bear- it will make you think about the great outdoors in a whole new way.

Engineers Without Borders — What if you lived someplace that had no clean water or electricity? Learn how to filter water so that you can drink it, and how simple electric generators work.

Estes Rockets — Build your own model rockets to take home, then you can launch them next week at COSROCS’ sport launch day at Challenger Middle School.

Falcon High School Honors Chemistry — Does polymer chemistry sound like fun to you? It is if it means instant worms, alien eyeballs, instant snow and elephant toothpaste!

Friends of Cheyenne Canon and Starsmore Discovery Center — Examine some of the coolest rocks found in Colorado, then learn how to pan for gold.

Garden of the Gods Visitor and Nature Center -- Touch and feel real animal pelts, skulls, antlers and horns, then learn to bark and howl like a coyote or gobble like a turkey.

Heuser Chiropractic — Get a free chiropractic massage and learn about how your spine works.

Homeschool Science Colorado — Estimate and measure length, mass and volume using the metric system to win prizes!

IEEE — Perform some amazing experiments with electricity and magnetism, then build a real working electromagnetic motor.

Imagination Celebration — Calling all inventors: we need you to create and draw a real scientific instrument, but you must only use common household objects or creatures. Could be challenging- definitely fun!

Interfaith Hospitality Network — Design a House for Change, and learn about homelessness.

KOAA TV — Explore a real satellite news van and learn how science is used to bring the news to your TV, you might even get to star in your own TV news report.

KRCC Radio— Stick your hands into our strange Oobleck mixture- if you can- and try to decide if it's a solid or a liquid.

Manitou Springs FIRST Robotics Team — Practice driving a real robot to play a game- there’s even a mini-bot inside that you can drive too.

Millibo Art Theater — Make your own giant soap bubbles with master clown and bubble-ologist Jim Jackson.

Mindstorms Maniacs (FIRST LEGO League) — Watch team members program their LEGO robots to tackle a food safety challenge and learn how to keep your food safe, then you can design a car to haul chicken up a ramp.

Northrop Grumman Corporation — Meet Sadie, a computer generated avatar and learn about the science and engineering behind many of NGC's products.

Palmer High School Chemistry Club — Get ready for Halloween with Boo Bubbles- real soap bubbles filled with creepy fog that you can even hold in your hand!

Penrose/St Francis Hospitals — Learn how different types of helmets protect your brain and spinal cord while you play sports.

Pike’s Peak RC Club — Check out lots of real radio-controlled model airplanes.

Pikes Peak Soaring Society — Come get a close look at real radio-controlled electric airplanes and try your hand at flying one on a computer flight simulator.

Pikes Peak Writers and Pikes Peak Library District — “Tune in to Writing” and use electricity flowing through the graphite from your pencil to create music from what you write!

Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center — Skulls, claws and teeth- touch a real T-Rex tooth and look inside the skull of an Albertosaurus!

Rocky Mountain Robotics — drive and interact with last year’s competitive robots

SLAM Lab (Jeff Lewis) — Sound Laboratory and Audio MAYHEM with homemade instruments- need we say more?

Southern Colorado Mountain Grotto — Come and do some simple experiments that show how caves are formed, learn why bats are getting sick and watch us light ice on fire before your very eyes!

Space Foundation — How would you perform an experiment in space if everything just floats away? Train just like real astronauts do by performing some simple experiments inside a glove box.

The Solution is Science — Just how much did a dinosaur weigh? Do your own experiment to measure the mass of a dinosaur.

The Traveling Sea — The Traveling Sea brings the ocean to you- real sea creatures you can touch and feel. You’ll even learn how scientists map the ocean floor.

UCCS CO PIRG Energy Service Corps — Learn about the energy you use and how to live more sustainably.

UCCS Mathematics Center

  1. Russian Finger Math – a kinesthetic way to learn and remember the multiplication tables 6′s through 10′s.
  2. Origami – build a few simple origami animals and learn the math behind them
  3. Rubik’s Cube Fun – learn some basic moves, race the math tutor for prizes
  4. Mobius Bands – make mobius bracelets and learn the concepts behind “one-sidedness” and “orientablility.”

University of Colorado School of Pharmacy — Play a Pharmacy concentration game.

USAFA Physics in Phun — Play with many of the science demonstrations used in their live show (see the show description above).

USAFA STEM Club — Gliders, robots, satellites and more! Build your own balsa wood glider and learn to fly it.

Western Museum of Mining & Industry — Did you know you eat rocks? Well, not exactly, but come and learn how the same elements in rocks are in the foods you eat, and a lot more things you use every day. meet more than 20 of the Colorado Springs Independent's GiVE! 2011 organizations (including Cool Science!)


If your organization would like to participate, contact


For more science fun throughout the year, check back after the festival for a calendar of science-related programs and events hosted by Cool Science and many of the organizations participating in this year's festival!


Download the full 2011 CSCSF Program (from the CS Independent) (1.5MB PDF)



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