12/30/13 - Kids Free Day, Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center (Woodland Park) |
11/21/13 - "Glow", The Wildlife Experience (Parker) |
11/14/13 - "Glow", The Wildlife Experience (Parker) |
11/7/13 - "There's Snow Place Like Space", Space Foundation Discovery Center |
11/6/13 - EleSTEMary STEM Resource Night, Challenger Middle School |
10/27/13 - Hauntings at the Hangar, Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum |
10/26/13 - Trick or Treat Street, Children's Museum of Denver |
10/17/13 - Milk Science Workshop, Fountain Library (PPLD) |
10/11/13 - Particle Physics at the Space Foundation Discovery Center |
10/5/13 - 4th annual Cool Science Carnival Day at UCCS |
9/28/13 - Calling All True Blue Heroes- of Science, Buell Children's Museum (Pueblo) |
9/25/13 - Milk Science Workshop, High Prarie Library (PPLD) |
9/14/13 - Cockpit Demo Day, Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum |
9/7/13 - What-If Festival (downtown Colorado Springs) |
9/6/13 - Mayor's Spirit of the Springs Rally at Sierra HS |
8/27/13 - Science on the Lawn (during Library Lawn Concert), Manitou Springs Library |
8/20/13 - Science on the Lawn (during Library Lawn Concert), Manitou Springs Library |
8/16/13 - 3rd Friday Art Walk,Business of Art Center (Manitou Springs) |
8/13/13 - Kid's Days - Science, Promenade Shops at Centerra (Loveland) |
8/6/13 - Science on the Lawn (during Library Lawn Concert), Manitou Springs Library |
8/3/13 - Colorado Grown Urban Fair, Pioneer's Museum |
8/3/13 - Pee-Wee Parade, Manitou Springs Soda Springs Park |
7/30/13 - Science on the Lawn (during Library Lawn Concert), Manitou Springs Library |
7/26/13 - Just Add Water at the Denver Children's Museum |
7/23/13 - Science on the Lawn (during Library Lawn Concert), Manitou Springs Library |
7/19/13 - Pikes Peak YMCA Summer of Science Day Camp,Briargate Branch |
7/18/13 - Particle Party (adult event) at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science |
7/17/13 - Pikes Peak YMCA Summer of Science Day Camp,Tri-Lakes Branch |
7/16/13 - Science on the Lawn (during Library Lawn Concert), Manitou Springs Library |
7/13/13 - Cockpit Demo Day, Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum |
7/12/13 - Weather Wonders at the Space Foundation Discovery Center |
7/9/13 - Science on the Lawn, Manitou Springs Library |
7/2/13 - Science on the Lawn, Manitou Springs Library |
6/25/13 - Science on the Lawn, Manitou Springs Library |
6/18/13 - Science on the Lawn, Manitou Springs Library |
6/15/13 - Mars, Rovers & Robots at the Space Foundation Discovery Center |
6/11/13 - Science on the Lawn, Manitou Springs Library |
6/8/13 - Rocky Mountain Star Stare |
6/6/13 - Pikes Peak YMCA Summer of Science Day Camp,Downtown Branch |
6/5/13 - Pikes Peak YMCA Summer of Science Day Camp,Southeast Branch |
6/4/13 - Science on the Lawn, Manitou Springs Library |
6/1/13 - Gotta Love Local Fiesta |
5/8/13 - Springapalooza! at the Business of Art Center |
4/13/13 - Destination Imagination State Tournament, (Denver) |
4/6/13 - The Big Cool Science Festival at Colorado College ** photos! ** |
3/16/13 - Electricity Show at the Western Museum of Mining & Industry |
1/12/13 - The Great Fruitcake Toss, Manitou Springs |
1/11/13 - Mini-Catapult Building Workshop at the Business of Art Center (Manitou Springs) |
10/13-21/2012 3rd Annual Colorado Springs Cool Science Festival
- 10/13 Cool Science Carnival Day at UCCS
- 10/15 Kids, Cooking and Science at Adam's Mountain Cafe
- 10/16 The Space Foundation's Festival of Science at the Space Foundation Discovery Institute
- 10/17 CS Astronomical Society's Lunchtime Sun Viewing Party at the Pioneers Museum
- 10/18 Story Time with Sid the Science Kid at the Manitou Springs Public Library
- 10/19 Science is CoOL at the Manitou Springs Public Library
- 10/20 Power Up at the Western Museum of Mining and Industry
- 10/21 Forces, Friction and Music with Colorado College's Bowed Piano Ensemble at CC's Packard Hall
9/15/12 - What-If Festival (downtown Colorado Springs) |
9/1/12 - History and Science of 3-D, at the Manitou Springs Heritage Center |
8/18/12 - STEM Rocks! at Peterson Air Force Base |
8/14/12 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
8/7/12 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
8/4/12 - Colorado Day at the Pioneers Museum |
7/31/12 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
7/28/12 - Mayor's Spirit of the Springs Rally at Skysox park |
7/24/12 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
7/17/12 - Promenade Kids Day at the Promenade Shops in Loveland |
7/12/12 - Story Time at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
7/10/12 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
7/3/12 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
6/12/12 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
6/9/12 - Rocky Mountain PBS Kids Fun Fest in Acacia Park |
6/5/12 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library (2012 Venus Transit!) |
6/1/12 - Dream Night at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo |
5/29/12 - Buell Children's Museum in Pueblo |
4/15/12 - Colorado Springs Auto Show |
4/14/12 - Sunshare Grand Opening at Venetucci Farms |
4/14/12 - Destination Imagination State Championships (Auroria Campus, Denver) |
3/3/12 - Big Show at Colorado College (w/ CC Cool Science Club) |
2/26/12 - GalaxyFest Sci-Fi Convention at the Antlers Hilton Hotel |
2/21/12 - Cool Science Night for Volunteers (adults only) at Colorado College |
2/17/12 - Spirit of the Springs at Antlers Hilton Hotel |
2/10/12 - Cool Science Night for Volunteers (adults only) at Colorado College |
2/2/12 - Cool Science Night for Volunteers (adults only) at Colorado College |
1/14/12 - 17th Great Fruitcake Toss in Manitou Springs |
12/27/11 - Kids Free Day at the Dinosaur Resource Center |
12/10/11 - GiVE! 2011 Cake Walk at Dilliard's Chapel Hills |
10/28,29/11 - Boo at the Zoo at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo |
10/15-22/11 Colorado Springs Cool Science Festival
- 10/15 Cool Science Carnival Day at UCCS
- 10/18 Sun Viewing Party (w/ CS Astronomical Society) at the Pioneers Museum
- 10/20 Super Senses Science Story Time at the Manitou Springs Public Library
- 10/22 Family Day at the Western Museum of Mining and Industry
- 10/23 Open House at KRCC Radio (post-festival event)
9/10/11 - What-If Festival, with Colorado Springs Charter Academy Jr. Scientists |
8/25/11 - Space Foundation Festival of Science at Jack Swigert Aerospace Academy |
8/23/11 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
8/21/11 - Kids on Bikes Festival at America the Beautiful Park |
8/19/11 - Stargazing Night w/ CS Astronomical Society at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo |
8/16/11 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
8/9/11 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
7/26/11 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
7/22/11 - Stargazing Night w/ CS Astronomical Society at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo |
7/19/11 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
7/5/11 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
7/2/11 - CS Astronomical Society Rocky Mountain Star Stare |
6/28/11 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
6/21/11 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
6/17/11 - Stargazing Night w/ CS Astronomical Society at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo |
6/7/11 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
5/17/11 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
5/3/11 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
4/26/11 - Catamount Institute Student Research Symposium at Colorado College |
4/19/11 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
4/16/11 - Big Science Show at Colorado College (w/ CC Cool Science Club) |
4/10/11 - Yuri's Night Activities at Soda Springs Park in Manitou Springs |
4/5/11 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
3/23/11 - Eye-Popping 3-D! Workshop at Imagination Celebration Space (The Citadel mall) |
3/8/11 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
2/22/11 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
1/31/11 - Space Foundation Festival of Science at Jack Swigert Aerospace Academy |
1/25/11 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
1/11/11 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
1/8/11 - Painting with Catapults at the BAC in Manitou Springs |
1/8/11 - Fruitcake Toss at Manitou Springs HS Track |
1/5/11 - Mini-Catapult Workshop at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
12/29/10 - Mini-Catapult Workshop at the BAC in Manitou Springs |
12/28/10 - Kids Free Day at the Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center |
12/21/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
11/30/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
11/20/10 - "Gathering STEAM: A Community Arts & Science Day" in Celebration Space at The Citadel |
11/16/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
10/22,23,29,30/10 - Boo at the (Cheyenne Mountain) Zoo |
10/19/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
10/9/10 - Family Exploration Day at the Western Museum of Mining and Industry |
10/5/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
9/21/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
9/18/10 - Colorado Springs Cool Science Festival at UCCS |
9/11/10 - What-If... Festival at the Pikes Peak Center |
9/7/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
9/3/10 - Stargazing Series Evening w/ CS Astronomical Society at Cheyenne Mtn. Zoo |
8/28/10 - T-shirts for Everybody at the Club of Arts (Patty Jewitt Neighborhood Block Party) |
8/20/10 - T-shirts for Everybody at the Grant Library on Fort Carson |
8/15/10 - Everybody Welcome Festival in America the Beautiful Park |
8/11/10 - T-shirts for Everybody at the Colorado Farm & Arts Market in America the Beautiful Park |
8/9/10 - Musical Instrument Making Workshop w/ Concrete Couch at the BAC in Manitou |
8/7/10 - Hooray for Colorado Day at the Pioneers Museum |
8/6/10 - Stargazing Series Evening w/ CS Astronomical Society at Cheyenne Mtn. Zoo |
8/5/10 - T-shirts for Everybody at Bancroft Park in Old Colorado City |
8/1/10 - Stargazing Series Solar Days w/ CS Astronomical Society at Cheyenne Mtn. Zoo |
7/29/10 - T-shirts for Everybody at the Hillside Community Center |
7/28/10 - El Paso County Fair |
7/26/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
7/23/10 - Stargazing Series Evening w/ CS Astronomical Society at Cheyenne Mtn. Zoo |
7/21/10 - T-shirts for Everybody at the Business of Art Center in Manitou Springs |
7/14/10 - T-shirts for Everybody at Imagination Space in the Citadel Mall |
7/12/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
7/11/10 - Stargazing Series Solar Days w/ CS Astronomical Society at Cheyenne Mtn. Zoo |
7/7/10 - T-shirts for Everybody at the Colorado Farm & Arts Market in America the Beautiful Park |
6/29/10 - T-shirts for Everybody at the Deerfield Hills Community Center |
6/23/10 - T-shirts for Everybody at the Pioneers Museum |
6/21/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library- "Instant Worms!" |
6/18/10 - Stargazing Series Evening w/ CS Astronomical Society at Cheyenne Mtn. Zoo |
6/7/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library- "Cornstarch Monsters!" |
5/24/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
5/10/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
4/26/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
4/21/10 - Catamount Institute Student Research Symposium |
4/18/10 - Community in Action Fair, Manitou Springs City Hall |
4/12/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
4/10/10 - Big Science Show at Colorado College (w/ CC Cool Science Club) |
3/29/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
3/15/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
3/8/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
3/7/10 -CS Philharmonic Kid's Concert, Charlie Chaplin's "The Kid" (Lobby Activities) |
2/27/10 - Earth Science Demo at Bear Creek Nature Center |
2/22/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
2/8/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
1/27/10 - Festival of Science at the Space Foundation Discovery Institute |
1/25/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
1/23/10 - Manitou Springs Energy & Climate Action Fair |
1/11/10 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
12/29/09 -Colorado Kids Free Day at the Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center |
12/17/09 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
12/3/09 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
11/12/09 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
11/7/09 - Cool Science at UCCS! A HUGE Carnival of science fun!, UCCS Student Center |
11/1/09 - Colorado Springs Philharmonic Kid's Concert "Uncle Wilbur's New World" (Lobby Activities) |
10/24/09 - Emma Crawford Coffin Race & Parade (after-race party), Manitou Springs Soda Spgs Pk |
10/17/09 - Colorado Springs Philharmonic Pops Concert "The FInal Frontier" (Lobby Activities) |
10/17/09 - Children's Library Program, Rockrimmon Library Branch |
10/13/09 - Children's Library Program, Old Colorado City Library Branch |
9/26/09 - Children's Library Program, Ute Pass Library Branch |
9/20/09 - All Pikes Peak Reads Launch Party, America the Beautiful Park |
9/4/09 - Stargazing Night w/ CS Astronomical Society (Cheyenne Mtn. Zoo) |
8/15/09 - Everybody Welcome Festival America the Beautiful Park |
8/14/09 - Stargazing Night w/ CS Astronomical Society at Cheyenne Mtn. Zoo |
6/29/09 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
6/16/09 - Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Members Appreciation Night |
6/15/09 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
6/8/09 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
5/24/09 - Territory Days, Old Colorado City Public Library |
5/11/09 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
4/27/09 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
4/26/09 - Manitou Springs Community in Action Fair |
4/22/09 - Catamount Institute Student Research Symposium |
4/13/09 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
4/4/09 - The Big Show Science Day: Colorado College Cool Science Club |
3/30/09 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
3/28,29/09 - Cheyenne Mountain Zoo "Dinosaur Days" |
3/9/09 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
3/8/09 - Colorado Springs Philharmonic's Family Concert - "A Classic Whodunnit" (Lobby Activities) |
2/28/09 - Chemistry Magic Show at Bear Creek Nature Center |
2/26/09 - Cool Science Volunteer Orientation |
2/23/09 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
2/9/09 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
2/7/09 - Discovery Canyon Campus Day of Science |
1/26/09 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
1/25/09 - Colorado Springs Philharmonic's Family Concert - "Midsummer in Midwinter" (Lobby Activities) |
1/12/09 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
1/10/09 - Manitou Springs Energy and Climate Action Fair |
12/30/08 - Dinosaur Resource Center (Woodland Park) |
12/15/08 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
12/13/08 - Imagination Celebration: "Icy Optics" |
12/06/08 - Imagination Celebration: "It's Cool to Be Cold" |
12/01/08 - Cool Science at the Manitou Springs Public Library |
11/15/08 - Public Day of Science @ UCCS |
(many, many more past 2007 and 2008 events- we'll update this list soon)
5/19/07 - Fort Carson, Chemistry and Physics
4/27/07 - Vennitucci Elementary, D3, Chemistry, 3rd Graders |
4/26/07 - Woodland Park Home Schoolers, Physics of Sound |
4/18/07 - Boy Scouts @ Rockrimmon Elementary, D20, Cubs |
4/20/07 - Colorado College Cool Science Workshop, Free and Open to the
Public |
4/7/07 - Junior Girl Scouts Workshop at the USAFA |
4/20/07 - Remington Elementary, D49, all grades, Cool Science Day! |
 | 4/11/07 - West Middle School, D11, Chemistry, 6th Grade |
 | 3/21/07 - Boy Scouts, Chemistry |
 | 3/19/07 - Rockrimmon Elementary, D20, Chemistry, 3rd grade |
 | 3/16/07 - Talbott Elementary, D3, all grades, Cool Science Day! |
 | 3/10/07 - Cool Science Day at CC!! |
 | 3/7/07 - CSS High School, D11, Brain Lab |
 | 3/2/07 - SE YMCA, Hands-on, After School Program |
 | 2/28/07 - West Middle School, D11, Earth Science, 8th Grade |
 | 2/27/07 - Pikes Peak Expeditionary Learning, D49, Earth Science, 5th-6th
Grade |
 | 2/24/07 - Boy Scouts, Chemistry |
 | 2/22/07 - West Middle School, D11, Earth Science, 7th grade |
 | 2/20/07 - Rockrimmon Library, D20, after school program |
 | 2/16/07 - Jefferson Elementary, D11, all grades, Cool Science Day!!!! |
 | 2/15/07 - Mann Middle School, D11, Girls Day in the Lab!!! |
 | 2/12/07 - West Middle School, D11, Cell Biology, 6th grade |
 | 2/10/07 - Daisy and Brownie Workshop at the USAFA |
 | 2/8/07 - West Middle School, D11, Fun with Chemistry, After
School Program |
 | 2/5/07 - Mentally Disable Adults, Chemistry and Physics |
 | 2/2/07 - West Middle School, D11, Electricity/Magnetism, 8th
Grade |
 | 1/29/07 - Monument Academy Neuroscience Demo, 3rd Grade |
 | 1/24/07 - Stetson Elementary, D49, Chemistry and Physics Assembly, 3-5
grade |
 | 1/23/07 - Bristol's Elementary, D11, Chemistry Demo |
 | 1/19/07 - Explorer Elementary, D20, all grades, Cool Science Day! |
 | 12/14/06 - The Classical Academy, D20, Neuroscience and Brain Cells!! |
 | 12/13/06 - Buena Vista, all grades, 8:45 6 demo day, Chemistry and
Physics!!! |
 | 12/8/06 - Fremont Elementary, D11, all third grade, 3 demo day |
 | 12/6/06 - The Classical Academy (Central), D20, 3 Chemistry demo day |
 | 11/30/06 - Pinon Valley Elementary, D12, 4-6 grade, 3 demo day, 8:30-
12:30 |
 | 11/29/06 - West Middle School Science Fair |
 | 11/17/06 - Whittier Elementary, Rock and Stream Demo 9:00-12:00
 | 11/8/06 - Judging of the Inventor's Club Inventions |
 | 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, and 12/4/06 Meridian Ranch After school Program, all
grades |
 | 11/4/06 - Wagon Wheel Girl Scouts (Juniors) 1:00-4:00 |
 | 11/3/06 - Monument Academy Chemistry Demo 8:00-12:00 |
 | 11/2/06 - Wood land Park Home School Demos 2:00 |
 | 10/28/06 - UCCS Workshop. OPEN TO ALL! click
here! |
 | 10/27/06 - Douglass Valley Elementary, all grades, Cool Science Day!
 | 10/19/06 - Holy Trinity, 4 Demonstrations, all grades |
 | 10/14/06 - Wagon Wheel Girl Scouts 1:00 -4:00 at the AFA |
 | 10/12/06 - Boy Scout Award 5:30 |
 | 10/11/06 - Inventors Club 3:00 - 4:30 |
 | 10/10/06 - Stratton Elementary, 9:00-12:00 |
 | 10/4 Inventors Club 3:00 - 4:30 |
 | 9/28/06- Classical Academy Elementary, 9:00-2:00 |
 | 9/21/06 - Penrose Elementary, 3 Demonstrations 9:00- 1:30 |
 | 7/25/06 - KRDO - Check out Channel 13 at ~6:20am for the new
Cool Science
segment on the last Tuesday of every month! |
 | 7/19/06 - GREAT Camp, Girls Ready to Explore Academics and
Technology for 7th grade girls from East Middle School at UCCS |
 | 6/27/06 - KRDO - Check out Channel 13 at ~6:20am for the new
Cool Science
segment on the last Tuesday of every month! |
 | 6/06 - Exhibit at the Western Museum of Mining and Industry |
 | 5/30/06 - KRDO - Check out Channel 13 at ~6:20am for the new
Cool Science
segment on the last Tuesday of every month! |
 | 5/12/06 - Prairie Hills Elementary, 4th grade, D20, Earth Science |
 | 5/11/06 - Prairie Hills Elementary, 5th grade, D20, Physics |
 | 5/10/06 - Prairie Hills Elementary, 3rd grade, D20, Chemistry |
 | 5/6/06 - Girl Scout
Cool Science Badge |
 | 5/5/06 - Stratton Elementary, all grades, Cool Science Day! |
 | 4/27/06 - Grant Elementary @ Horace Mann Middle School, parents and
students, Reading Program Rewards Ceremony, demonstrations and hands-on
projects for everyone! |
 | 4/25/06 - Boy Scout Pack 166, Rockrimmon Elementary |
 | 4/25/06 - KRDO - Check out Channel 13 at ~6:20am for the new
Cool Science
segment on the last Tuesday of every month! Earth
Science HO! |
 | 4/19/06 - Sunrise Elementary, 5th grade, D3, Chemistry |
 | 4/18/06 - Ellicott Elementary, 3rd grade, Earth Science |
 | 4/15/06 - Cool Science at Colorado College
Open to the Public! |
 | 4/13/06 - Wildflower Elementary, 1st grade, D2, Chemistry |
 | 4/12/06 - Homeschool High School Group, @ Colorado College, Chemistry |
 | 4/10/06 - Mtn. Vista Community School, 7th and 8th grades, Earth Science |
 | 4/7/06 - Trailblazer Elementary, 1st grade, D11, Chemistry |
 | 3/28/06 - KRDO - Check out Channel 13 at ~6:20am for the new
Cool Science
segment on the last Tuesday of every month! |
 | 3/10/06 - Manitou Elementary, 3rd-5th grades, D14, Chemistry or Earth
Science |
 | 3/4/06 - Girl Scout
Cool Science Badge |
 | 3/3/06 - Falcon Elementary, all grades, D49, Cool Science Day! |
 | 2/28/06 - KRDO - Check out Channel 13 at ~6:20am for the new
Cool Science
segment on the last Tuesday of every month! |
 | 2/23/06 - St. Stephan's Christian School, K-5 after school program,
Physics |
 | 2/17/06 - Turman Elementary, all grades, Cool Science Day! |
 | 2/14/06 - Pinon Valley Elementary, 1st & 2nd grades, Light |
 | 2/9/06 - St. Stephan's Christian School, K-5 after school program,
Chemistry |
 | 2/7/06 - Pinon Vallley Elementary, K-3rd grade GT, 1/2 day Cool Science
Project |
 | 2/6/06 - Pinon Valley Elementary, 4th-6th grade GT, 1/2 day Cool Science
Project |
 | 2/1/06 - Wildflower Elementary, 4th grade, D2, Electricity and Magnetism |
 | 1/31/06 - KRDO - Check out Channel 13 at ~6:20am for the new
Cool Science
segment on the last Tuesday of every month! This month is all about
Viscosity! |
 | 1/30/06 - Parent Training Night, Steele Elementary, D11, Dry Ice |
 | 1/28/06 - Girl Scout
Cool Science Badge |
 | 1/27/06 - Panorama Middle School, 6th grade, D2, Chemistry |
 | 1/25/06 - Mtn. Vista School, 8th grade, D2, Chemistry |
 | 1/24/06 - Mountain View Elementary, Girl Scout troop, Science Sleuth
badge, Chemistry |
 | 1/20/06 - Steele Elementary, all grades, D11, Cool Science Day! |
 | 1/17/06 - Whittier Elementary, 4th grade, Chemistry |
 | 12/27/05 - KRDO - Check out Channel 13 at ~6:20am for the new
Cool Science
segment on the last Tuesday of every month! This month is all about
Electricity! |
 | 12/16/05 - Trailblazer Elementary, 1st grade, D11, Physics (Light) |
 | 12/15/05 - Stratton Elementary, 1st grade, D11, Physics (Solids and
Liquids) |
 | 12/14/05 - Janitell Junior High School, 8th grade, D12, Chemistry |
 | 12/12/05 - Stratton Elementary, 1st grade, D11, Physics (Solids and
Liquids) |
 | 12/8/05 - Fremont Elementary, 3rd grade, D11, Chemistry |
 | 12/6/05 - Fremont Elementary, 3rd grade, D11, Chemistry |
 | 12/5/05 - Fremont Elementary, 3rd grade, D11, Chemistry |
 | 12/2/05 - The Classical Academy East, 5th grade, D20, Chemistry |
 | 11/29/05 - KRDO - Check out Channel 13 at ~6:20am for the new
Cool Science
segment on the last Tuesday of every month! This month is all
and Green Chemistry! |
 | 11/18/05 - Mountain Ridge Middle School, 8th grade, D20, Chemistry |
 | 11/15/05 - Sabin Middle School, ASPEN Science Club 6-8th grade,
D11, Chemistry |
 | 11/16/05 - Trailblazer Elementary, 1st grade, D11, Physics (Waves) |
 | 11/12/05 - Girl Scout
Cool Science Badge |
 | 11/9/05 - Panorama Middle School, 8th grade, D2, Chemistry |
 | 11/4/05 - Monument Academy, 5th grade, D38, Chemistry |
 | 11/3/05 - The Classical Academy, 5th grade, D20, Chemistry |
 | 10/25/05 - KRDO - Check out Channel 13 at ~6:20am for the new
Cool Science
segment on the last Tuesday of every month! This month is all about SLIME and
Color Changes! |
 | 10/22/05 - Cool Science at UCCS
Open to the Public! |
 | 10/13/05 - Mtn. Vista, D2, Physics |
 | 10/14/05 - Trailblazer Elementary, D11, Chemistry |
 | 9/30/05 - Celebrate Technology! at the Broadmoor |
 | 9/27/05 - KRDO - Check out Channel 13 at ~6:20am for the new
Science segment on the last Tuesday of every month! This month was all about
Fall. Falling Balls that is. |
 | 9/16/05 - Panorama Middle School, D2, Chemistry |
 | 8/20/05 - The Independent's Summer Hoopla and Kids Kalliope (1pm - 7pm)
downtown near Pioneer Museum, see The Independent for more info.
Open to the Public! |
 | 7/19 - 7/21, GREAT Camp, Girls Ready to Explore Academics and Technology |
 | Summer 2005 - Cool Science had a temporary exhibition at the
Western Museum of Mining and
Industry! Open to the Public! |
 | 5/26/05 - Cool Science Cardboard Boat Competition
Open to the Public! 4/22/05 - Science Day at North Elementary (D3) |
 | 5/14/05 - Girl Scout
Cool Science Badge (Juniors) |
 | 5/4/05 - Workshop for Cool Science Cardboard Boat Competition (Fire
Station 19) Open to the Public! |
 | 4/29/05 - Columbia Elementary |
 | 4/16/05 -
Cool Science at Colorado College Open to the Public! |
 | 4/9/05 - Girl Scout
Cool Science Badge (Daisy/Brownie) |
 | 4/8/05 - Girl Scout
Cool Science Badge (Daisy/Brownie) |
 | 4/1/05 - Prairie Hills Elementary (D20) |
 | 3/18/05 - Science Day at Will Rogers Elementary - D11 |
 | 3/17/05 - Cub Scouts/Webelos at Martinez Elementary - Physics |
 | 3/12/05 - Civil Engineering Day at the United States Air Force Academy
Open to the Public! |
 | 3/11/05 - Meridian Ranch School (Chemistry) |
 | 3/5/05 - Girl Scout
Cool Science Badge (Cadettes and Sr. Girl Scouts) |
 | 3/4/05 - Woodmen Roberts Elementary (Chemistry) - D20 |
 | 2/24/05 - Parents Night at (Columbia Elementary)
Open to
the Public! |
 | 2/18/05 - Science Day at Madison Elementary |
 | 2/11/04 - Mountain Ridge Middle School -D20 (Chemistry) |
 | 2/7/05 - Sabin Jr. High After School Science Club (ASPEN) - D11 |
 | 2/4/05 - Manitou Springs Elementary (Physics) - D14 |
 | 1/28/05 - Brownie Workshop at Carver Elementary |
 | 1/22/05 - Girl Scout
Cool Science Badge (Juniors) |
 | 1/21/05 - Girl Scout
Cool Science Badge (Juniors) |
 | 1/14/05 - Science Day at Redeemer Lutheran |
 | 1/8/05 - Cool Science at the Western Museum
of Mining and Industry Open to the
Public! |
 | 12/10/04 - Holy Trinity Catholic School |
 | 12/3/04 - Classical Academy D20 - Chemistry |
 | 11/6/04 - Girl Scout
Cool Science Badge (Daisy/Brownie) |
 | 11/12/04 - Monument Academy D38 - Chemistry |
 | 11/5/04 - Janitell Jr. High - D3 - Chemistry |
 | 10/23/04 - Cool Science at UCCS (and! Mole Day) |
 | 10/15/04 - Science Day at Columbia Elementary |
 | 10/2/04 - Girl Scout
Cool Science Badge (Mile Hi Council/ Juniors) |
 | 9/9/04 - Boy Scout Webelos Physics at Prarie Winds |
 | 8/19/04 - Columbia Elementary - First Day of School Assembly |
 | July 6-23, 2004 - Cardboard Boat Regatta with
Intel Computer Clubhouse |
 | July 26 - 29, Cool Science at GREAT Camp (UCCS) |
 | 6/19/04 - Girl Scout Harry Potter, the Science of Magic Workshop
(Denver) |
 | 6/15/04 - Imagination
Celebration Teacher Workshop |
 | 5/21/04 - Panorama Middle School - Physics |
 | 5/14/04 - Prairie Hills Elementary - D20 - Chemistry and Physics |
 | 5/8/04 - Girl Scout
Cool Science Badge (Juniors) |
 | 5/1/04 - Cool Science at Colorado College - open
to the public!!! |
 | 4/23/04 - Pueblo High School - Chemistry |
 | 4/3/04 - Girl Scout Cool Science Badge (Daisies/Brownies) |
 | 4/2/04 - Monument Brownies - Chemistry |
 | 4/2/04 - Holmes Middle School - D11 - Chemistry |
 | 3/19/04 - Broadmoor Elementary - Chemistry |
 | 3/13/04 - Pikes Peak
Regional Science Fair |
 | 3/12/04 - Jefferson Elementary - D11 - Chemistry |
 | 3/6/04 - Girl Scout Cool Science Badge (Cadettes and Sr. Girl
Scouts) |
 | 2/27/04 - Will Rogers Elementary - D11 - Chemistry |
 | 2/25/04 - Gorman Middle School - D2 - Physics |
 | 2/23/04 - Manitou Springs Middle School - D14 - Chemistry |
 | 2/4/04 - Panorama Middle School - D2 - Physics |
 | 2/6/04 - Panorama Middle School - D2 - Chemistry |
 | 2/13/04 - Steele Elementary - D11 - Science Day! Demonstrations and
Exhibits |
 | 2/13/04 - Jefferson Elementary - D11 - Physics |
 | 1/30/04 - Manitou Springs Elementary - D14 - Chemistry |
 | 1/23/04 - Janitell Jr. High - D3 - Chemistry |
 | 1/16/04 - Jefferson Elementary - D11 - Chemistry |
 | 1/13/04 - Gorman Middle School - D2 - Physics |
 | 1/10/04 - Western
Museum of Mining and Industry Super Saturday |
 | 1/9/04 - Panorama Middle School - D2 - Physics |
 | 1/9/04 - Panorama Middle School - D2 - Chemistry |
 | 12/12/03 - Panorama Middle School |
 | 12/5/03 - Carver Elementary - Chemistry |
 | 11/21/03 - Redeemer Lutheran - Private - Chemistry |
 | 11/17/03 - Daisy/Brownie Meeting - Chemistry |
 | 11/13/03 - Timberview Middle School - D20 - Physics |
 | 11/14/03 - Timberview Middle School - D20 - Physics |
 | 11/14/03 - Monument Academy - D38 |
 | 11/6/03 - Board of Directors - Strategic Planning Session |
 | 11/7/03 - Mountainside Elementary - Physics |
 | 11/7/03 - The Classical Academy - D20 - Chemistry |
 | 11/3/03 - Mountainside Elementary - Physics |
 | 10/31/03 - Columbia Elementary - Chemistry |
 | 10/30/03 - Cub Scouts - Chemistry |
 | 10/14/03 - Mountainside Elementary - Physics |
 | 10/15/03 - Mountainside Elementary - Physics |
 | 10/15/03 - Sabin Junior High - D11 - After School Science Club - Chemistry |
 | 10/17/03 - Pike Elementary - D11 - Physics |
 | 10/17/03 - Grace Best Elementary - D38 - Chemistry |
 | 10/18/03 - Cool Science at UCCS - open to the public!!! |
 | 10/24/03 - Prairie Hills Elementary - D20 - Chemistry |
 | 10/25/03 - Girl Scout Cool Science Badge (Jr. Girl Scouts) - Crime Scene
Investigation |
 | 10/10/03 - Jenkins Middle School - D11 - Chemistry - Periods |
 | 10/04/03 - Girl Scout Cool Science Badge (Daisies and Brownies) - USAFA |
 | 10/3/03 - Girls 3.0 Workshop (Women's Foundation's Girls in Technology
Event) |
 | 10/2/03 - Sabin Junior High - D11 - After School Science Club - Chemistry |
 | 10/2/03 - Boy Scout Troup Meeting - Physics |
 | 9/25/03 - Girl Scout's Young Women's Workshop |
 | 9/12/03 - Tutmose Academy |
 | 8/14/03 - D2 Staff Introduction to Cool Science |
 | 7/30/03 - GREAT Camp Chemistry and Physics Day |
 | 6/3/03 - Intel Bring Your Kid to Work Day Cool Chemistry Workshop |
 | 5/23/03 - Bates Elementary - D11 |
 | 5/16/03 - Prairie Hills Elementary - D20 |
 | 5/8/03 - Holmes Middle School - D11 |
 | 5/8/03 - Home School High School Group - Black Forest |
 | 5/2/03 - Taylor Elementary - D11 |
 | 4/25/03 - Manitou Springs Elementary - D14 |
 | 4/18/03 - Horizon Middle School - D49 |
 | 4/11/03 - Cool Chemistry at Colorado College - open to the public |
 | 4/4/03 - Woodmen Roberts - D20 |
 | 2/28/03 - Trailblazer Elementary - D11 |
 | 2/21/03 - Explorer Elementary - D20 |
 | 2/14/03 - Mountain View Elementary - D20 |
 | 2/7/03 - Midland International School - D11 |
 | 1/31/03 - Horizon Middle School - D49 |
 | 1/24/03 - Explorer Elementary - D20 |
 | 12/20/02 - Sabin Junior High - D11 |
 | 12/13/02 - Centennial Elementary - D2 |
 | 12/6/02 - Pike Elementary - D11 |
 | 11/22/02 - Creekside Middle School - D38 |
 | 11/15/02 - Steele Elementary - D11 |
 | 11/8/02 - Lincoln Elementary - D11 |
 | 11/1/02 - Prairie Hills Elementary - D20 |
 | 10/25/02 - Janitell Jr. High - D3 |
 | 10/18/02 - Jenkins Middle School - D11 |
 | 10/4/02 - Calhan School - Calhan Rj-1 |
 | 9/20/02 - Washington Elementary - D11 |